Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Great Work from EXP1: Datum

Hi All,

Overall, the quality of submissions for EXP1 was really impressive, especially given the circumstances. As is always the case, a few projects really stood out, see a selection of the best work from EXP1: Datum below.



From Andrew Wallace's tutorial group:

Jaemin Park: https://jaemindesignstudioarch1101.blogspot.com/

From Ben Allen's tutorial group:

Haoyuan Wu: https://www.haoyuanwu.com/

Sabrina Lee: https://vbnhgj.blogspot.com/

From Brad Inwood's tutorial group:

Renee Cheang: https://reneecheang.blogspot.com/

From Catherine Bakker's tutorial group:

Jatin Midha: https://jmidha.blogspot.com/

From Chris Freeburn's tutorial group:

Ada Mo: https://ada-architecturalstudies.blogspot.com/search/label/ARCH1101
David Ramos: https://davidpaulramos-arch1101.blogspot.com/

From Terrence Chau's tutorial group:

Priscilla Zhou: https://priscillazhou1101.blogspot.com/

From Tia Chim's tutorial group:

Monday, March 30, 2020

Two Point Perspectives

Hi All,

In the self-directed tutorial at the end of next week (in the course outline this is referred to as the online tutorial, but now everything is online I've given it a new name to differentiate it ... the key difference being that the self directed tutorial won't have Teams meetings scheduled; Teams meetings are just to support the regular Monday tutorial) you'll have the OPTION to do one of the two animations required in two point perspective.

In the video below I go through the process of drawing a two point perspective. I'm using Illustrator to demonstrate, but you'll be drawing yours by hand in your notebook. The process is exactly the same.

Let me know if you have any questions on the Q&A forum on the ARCH1101 Moodle page.



Lumion Student License

Hi All,

Another alternative, if you are having trouble downloading the Lumion files from UNSW, is to buy a student license of the software.

You can do that here: https://cad.com.au/software/lumion-educational/

One advantage over using the UNSW install files is that we have a limit of 200 users at any one time, so if there is a major hand in for several courses at once there might not be enough licenses to go around.

Kind regards


Sunday, March 29, 2020

Accessing Lumion Files Off Campus

Hi All,

A few of you weren't able to copy the Lumion files while you were on campus a few weeks ago.

Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a way for your computer to think it's actually on campus and connected to our shared networks. The tutorial below goes through the setup required:

The folder you need access to is: \\coursefolders.fbe.unsw.edu.au\ARCH1101-ArchDes1\Resources\Lumion 10

And remember, if you need to provide a user account to map the coursefolders network drive it will be your zID@ad.unsw.edu.au

Kind regards,


Perspective Drawings by Two of the Greats

Hi All,

Some inspirational architectural perspectives from Antonio Sant Elia and Rem Koolhaas ... almost 100 years apart, both hugely influential.

Italian Futurism

Power Stations

Office Buildings

An airport in the city

Water colour

As published about 100 years ago

Rem Koolhaas early drawing
Interior, note the underside of the car!

Architecture bigger than a city, building a world?

Massing models

Hi All,

Some massing models (both physical and digital) as inspiration for this weeks task:

Add "additional massing elements to your circulation model that begin to provide volume for the functional spaces required by the brief; these additional elements need not be rectangular."

Limited detail, colour represents material and point of interest.

This set shows massing models in the rear, adding detail towards the front

A reminder that the masses need not be rectilinear

Note the proposed scale!

Colour again to draw focus

Stacked volumes
Exploded view above, with icons, aids communicating the program

Simple forms in timber

Stepping through the design process

Simple forms in timber and acrylic

Stepping through the design process


Many options

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Experiment 1 EXTENSION

Hi All,

At the student rep meeting this afternoon your tutorial representatives let me know you were all feeling the pressure. After a productive conversation, and with their unanimous agreement, I'm happy to confirm that there will be an extension for the Experiment 1, part 2, submission ... from Sunday the 15th of March to Wednesday the 18th of March.

I'll still introduce Experiment 2 at next Monday's lecture but will cut down the requirements for that studio session so you have time to get some more advice from your tutors before the new Experiment 1 submission on Wednesday.

I've updated the Experiment 1 Brief page and today's independent study to reflect the new submission date.

Kind regards


Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Task For Week 4 is Live

Hi All,

The "Task for Today" and "Independent Study" for Week 4 is now live on the course website. Follow the Week 4 link from the EXP1 webpage; here. You may need to refresh the page in your browser for the link to show up. Feel free to take a look before Mondays Studio to see what's next.

There is no face to face lecture next week so come straight to Studio at 1pm.

In the meantime you could watch the tutorial below which leverages your skills from BENV1010 to fill in your sections from SketchUp.

Kind regards
